Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology, founded in 1918, is the only university of technology in Estonia committed to high-level research and development in the broad fields of engineering, technology, science, and management. At the international level, the main emphasis is on the (joint) curriculum development, exchange and development of students and employees, joint research and development projects, etc. In R&D the mission is to create a synergy of technology, exact, natural, health, and social sciences serving the development of the society. TalTech has been recognized as an appreciated leader where scientific excellence is supported by administrative capability.
The Urban Water Systems research group in the Dept. of Civil Engineering and Architecture has special expertise in the field of CleanStormWater project. Open to cooperation, the unit has been participating in numerous national and international projects during the last 15 years dealing with hydrological and hydraulic modeling funded by national R&D, European Union programs, and the European Commission. Workgroup members are active in the field of smart and sustainable urban water systems including fluid dynamics in hydraulic networks and increasing the functionality and resilience to reduce risks and energy consumption in hydraulic systems. The workgroup has close co-operation with potential stakeholders (municipalities, local water companies, Ministry of Environment, etc.) which supports the knowledge transfer between the academia and end-users/stakeholders in stormwater quantity and quality management process.
In the CleanStormWater project, the main role of TalTech in this project is to carry out the piloting activities and support the municipalities in the design, planning, construction, and implementation phase. This includes preparation of technical documentation for procurements, selecting pilot sites, relevant investigation, and other preparation works that are beyond municipalities’ level of expertise and resources.